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Welcome friend, I'm Lynda Joy - grateful follower of Jesus, honoured wife to my darling, proud mother of 5, home-educator, massage therapist, & enthusiastic creative. I'm delighted that you are here, sharing this God-given treasure-hunt called life with me... So many gifts waiting to be discovered. So, here's to life, joy and health!

6 July 2012

Trusting Him in the Gifts of Red, White & Blue

3 GIFTS Red, White & Blue

"It's been 10 years today" has been heard going round the family conversation today.

 I pause and reflect...

10 years since we came to this 'sun-burnt land'. 10 yrs since we began to reside under the red, white & blue flag of Australia.
Before that,  the red, white & blue star-spangled banner. And before that was the red, white & blue of our birth, New Zealand. What a journey...

A journey from a young girl aspiring to be a missionary in a foreign land, and then being privileged to spend a year in Japan. Hearing God ask her to go back, and in fear saying "No" to the One who called & equipped. She had yet to learn to trust. "I don't want to go alone. Don't want to end up like all the other single girls out there." Yet to learn that He was her supply.

Now married with five precious lives in tow, her heart feels such guilt for the "No" that haunts her. She feels no release from her burden. "I'll go anywhere, Lord, just not back to the USA or Australia." childhood memories of both still etched firmly.
Her darling seeks His supplier, and feels the freedom to go.

They prepare to go to England and at the last minute a change... a call to come and help in the US. Visas through in record time. His door opened to lessons.  She trudges through the lessons...not the most willing student. Hard to be willing when fears are ruling.

Getting the children's breakfast, her darling calls from work and tells her to turn the TV on... Sept. 11 unfolds. She watches as a mourning nation rallies together... patriotism, support. She finds beauty and is finally pleased to be here.

He smiles as the very thing that caused her lesson precipitates the next lesson...changing countries again...to Australia. He leads her gently but firmly. She tries to find the beauty in the sun-burntness. It takes time. He moves her again to a remote Aboriginal community. Beauty is found in the painted bodies pounding in the dust...in the easy laugh and the ready smile.

Moving again...each time realising that every place reflects part of His glory...every people group have beauty...every person has good. Lessons on heaven being her real home...lessons on letting go of fear and trusting His supply.

10 years ...
I smile quietly and realise that red, white & blue have been good gifts.

I wonder what colour heaven is?


"1000 GIFTS"...

#125  Quiet
#126  A clean kitchen
#127  Conversation with a friend
#128  Home-made pizza from budding-chef sons
#129  Evening walk with my darling
#130  Freedom to speak my thoughts
#131  Red, white & blue homes

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